Poslovni sektor mora se Vladi nametnuti kod alokacije 22 milijarde eura EU sredstava

Poslovni sektor mora se Vladi nametnuti kod alokacije 22 milijarde eura EU sredstava

Izvršni direktor Vlahović grupe Natko Vlahović kao stručni kolumnist za časopis Lider dao je svoj pogled i razmišljanje o 22 milijarde eura sredstava EU-a dostupnih Hrvatskoj i implikacijama koje bi to moglo imati na poslovni sektor.
U srpnju se hrvatski premijer Andrej Plenković vratio iz Bruxellesa s pobjedom. Uspio je osigurati veći paket za Hrvatsku u novom višegodišnjem financijskom okviru 2021.-2027. To je značajan uspjeh, ali pred nama je još veći zadatak. Nova hrvatska vlada sada mora izraditi Nacionalnu strategiju razvoja i instrument oporavka koji će utrti put za apsorpciju 22 milijarde eura.
Ključno je da poslovni sektor, posebno poslovna udruženja, pokažu više proaktivnosti u sudjelovanju u cijelom procesu izrade nacrta. Njihov doprinos može usmjeriti vladu u smjeru koji će generirati veću dodanu vrijednost i potaknuti gospodarstvo u cjelini. Sredstva EU iz prethodnog VFO-a uglavnom su išla u javni sektor i velike infrastrukturne projekte, sada je vrijeme za promjenu te paradigme.
Svi su ključni dionici sada iskusniji i imaju dublje znanje o mehanizmima EU-a, potrebno je 22 milijarde eura i potreban nam je dosljedniji pristup svih sudionika koji sudjeluju u procesu.
Cijeli tekst: Natko Vlahovic_Lider


Public Affairs Director CEE, UPS
VG in Croatia has always supported us timely in a very professional manner. Great team with the right mindset and attitude.

Head of Government/Public Affairs for CEE and Russia, Philips
Vlahovic Group is a very engaged team of professionals with a high level of responsiveness and hands-on management. They help clients attain relevant information from business and political sectors in the Western Balkans.

Joana Sánchez
VP CEE Public Policy, Mastercard
Working with VG for over 5 years we encountered many opportunities where strategic positioning and engagement support was essential. Each and every engagement was met with the highest level of professional dedication, energy and passion. Excellent understanding of the EU and national regulatory landscape as well as our company’s business objectives.

Chairman, CEC Group
We have been leading the government relations industry in CEE since the early 1990s, and would not be where we are today without strong, professional and reliable partners. The Vlahovic Group has always exceeded expectations, and we are only too pleased to recommend them to our clients.

Paul Hatch
CEO - Nextlaw Networks,
Senior Advisor - Dentons
Vlahovic Group is a charter member of the Nextlaw Public Affairs Network and we could not be more pleased with our association. Vlahovic Group is one of a very select group of leaders in the public affairs arena, not just in Croatia, but throughout the Balkans. We have worked on several projects with VG, all with great success and outstanding results.

Mark Boris
Head Public Policy CEE, Uber
Uber CEE hired Vlahovic Group just before we entered the Croatian market in 2015. Their highly professional team helped us secure a successful launch and lay the foundations for a digital transformation of the entire taxi market in Croatia.

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