by vlahovicgroup | Aug 31, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Business Sector Must Have a Role in Withdrawing EU Funds VG NEWS Business Sector Must Have a Role in Withdrawing EU Funds Our CEO Natko Vlahovic once again provided Lider magazine with an insightful take, this time on the €22 billion of EU funds available to...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 31, 2020 | VG REPORTS
VG NEWS “The New Government Report” by Vlahovic Group VG NEWS “The New Government Report” by Vlahovic Group A new government led by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was voted in after the Croatian Democratic Union’s (HDZ) landslide victory on the 5 July elections. This...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 24, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Entrepreneurship – Freedom That Requires Patience and Discipline VG NEWS Entrepreneurship – Freedom That Requires Patience and Discipline Our CEO Natko Vlahovic put pen to paper for Poduzetnik (Entrepreneur) Magazine in order to describe his quite interesting...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 16, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS News from Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square Newsletter VG NEWS News from Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square Newsletter News from Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square is a periodical briefing on top political activities from the Croatia’s capital. It covers the latest topics and...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 3, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Croatia Presided Successfully, But Citizens Unaware VG NEWS Croatia Presided Successfully, But Citizens Unaware This week’s edition of Lider Media magazine featured a Croatian EU Presidency overview by Natko Vlahovic, founder and CEO of Vlahovic Group. Natko...