by vlahovicgroup | Sep 10, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Procedures for EU Funds Must Be Honored, but no Time for Waiting VG NEWS Procedures for EU Funds Must Be Honored, but no Time for Waiting Our CEO Natko Vlahovic was approached by Glas Slavonije to give his take on the procedures behind absorbing the €22...
by vlahovicgroup | Sep 2, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Advocating Interests Through Business Associations – is it worth it? VG NEWS Advocating Interests Through Business Associations – is it worth it? Public policies influence businesses, whether they stimulate them or hinder them. Legislators and governments can...
by vlahovicgroup | Aug 31, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Business Sector Must Have a Role in Withdrawing EU Funds VG NEWS Business Sector Must Have a Role in Withdrawing EU Funds Our CEO Natko Vlahovic once again provided Lider magazine with an insightful take, this time on the €22 billion of EU funds available to...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 24, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Entrepreneurship – Freedom That Requires Patience and Discipline VG NEWS Entrepreneurship – Freedom That Requires Patience and Discipline Our CEO Natko Vlahovic put pen to paper for Poduzetnik (Entrepreneur) Magazine in order to describe his quite interesting...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 16, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS News from Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square Newsletter VG NEWS News from Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square Newsletter News from Zagreb’s St. Mark’s Square is a periodical briefing on top political activities from the Croatia’s capital. It covers the latest topics and...
by vlahovicgroup | Jul 3, 2020 | VG NEWS
VG NEWS Croatia Presided Successfully, But Citizens Unaware VG NEWS Croatia Presided Successfully, But Citizens Unaware This week’s edition of Lider Media magazine featured a Croatian EU Presidency overview by Natko Vlahovic, founder and CEO of Vlahovic Group. Natko...