
VLAHOVIC GRUPA LLC for business consulting
Headquarters: Vlaska ulica 70b, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
The entity is registered with the Register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb, registration ID: 080094880, VAT number: HR90230160337
The company’s share capital in the amount of €140,000.00 is paid in full.
Information about the company’s bank accounts:
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Zagreb, IBAN: HR9823400091100026577
Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Zagreb, IBAN: HR0724840081135001200
Director: Natko Vlahović

VG News

NEWS from Zagreb's St. Mark's Square
Vlahovic Group sends a biweekly political update on the activities of the Croatian Government (schedules and notable news). The update includes a listing of the activities of the PM and other members of the Government, new appointments, a selection of press releases by different Governmental departments and executive agencies. By subscribing, you agree to recieve this newsletter. You can unsubscribe anytime. The collected data is used only for registration and sending the newsletter and will not be used for other purposes.